Happy Coding, Happy Life

Gradle Learning - 4 (Files&direcoties)

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1. 文件访问

1). 访问单个文件或者目录

file()将帮助我们访问相对于当前project的文件或者目录,注意不是相对当前的工作目录。因为我们有可能通过参数-p指定运行Gradle脚本的目录,而并不一定非要进入到该目录后再运行gradle。譬如在下面的例子中,当前工作目录是home目录,而gradle当前project的目录则是~/work/project1/ ~> gradle -p ~/work/project1 tasks


// Use String for file reference.
File wsdl = file('src/wsdl/sample.wsdl')
// Use File object for file reference.
File xmlFile = new File('xml/input/sample.xml') 
def inputXml = project.file(xmlFile)

//check file exists
def readme = project.file('README', PathValidation.EXISTS)

//check file or directory
def license = project.file('License.txt', PathValidation.FILE)
def dir = project.file('config', PathValidation.DIRECTORY)

2). 访问多文件或者目录


def combined = files('README', 'INSTALL')
// Use a Collection with file or directory names.
def listOfFileNames = ['src', 'test']    def mainDirectories = files(listOfFileNames)

3). 过滤文件或者目录

除此之外,我们可以使用fileTree()获取文件/目录列表,并使用include或者exclude过滤感兴趣的文件 def srcDir = fileTree(‘src/main’).include(‘*/.java’)

// Use map with arguments to create a file tree.
def resources = fileTree(dir: 'src/main', excludes: ['**/*.java,'**/*.groovy'])

// Use closure to create file tree
def javaFiles = fileTree {
    from 'src/main/java'
    exclude '*.properties' 

2. 文件拷贝

Gradle内建了一个Copy task,而该task中使用了CopySpec接口(org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec)。通过配置这个task,实际上是调用了CopySpec接口提供的方法,来完成拷贝的工作。譬如如下所示的from(), into()等:

task simpleCopy(type: Copy) {
     from 'src/xml‘      into 'definitions'


task copyTask(type: Copy) {
    // Copy from directory
    from 'src/webapp'
    // Copy single file
    from 'README.txt'
    // Include files with html extension.
    include '**/*.html', '**/*.htm'
    // Use closure to resolve files.
    include getTextFiles
    exclude 'INSTALL.txt'
    // Copy into directory dist
    // resolved via closure.
    into getDestinationDir


3. 文件重命名

实际上,CopySpec接口已经提供了rename()方法,因此我们可以类似上面的方式配置Copy Task,完成对文件的重命名。 task copyAndRename(type: Copy) { from ‘src’ // Change extension .txt to .text. rename ‘(.).txt’, ‘$1.text’ // Rename files that start with sample- // and remove the sample- part. rename ~/^sample-(.)/, ‘$1’ into ‘dist’ }

4. 文件打包

和拷贝文件非常类似,Gradle内建了Zip, Tar, Jar, War, and Ear等task帮助我们实现文件的打包。不过,比拷贝文件稍微复杂一点的是,当生成压缩包的时候,Gradle会使用一些属性来决定压缩包的文件名: [baseName]-[appendix]-[version]-[classifier].[extension]

如果没有设置其中的某个属性,也没有问题,只是该属性不会出现在压缩包的文件名上。下面例子将生成一个名为dist-files-archive-1.0-sample.zip的压缩包: task archiveDist(type: Zip) { from ‘dist’

   baseName = 'dist-files'
   appendix = 'archive'
   extension = 'zip'
   version = '1.0'
   classifier = 'sample'


task archiveFiles(type: Zip) {
    from 'dist'
    // Copy files to a directory inside the archive.
    into 'files'
    // Set destination directory.
    destinationDir = file("$buildDir/zips")
    // Set complete filename.
    archiveName = 'dist-files.zip'

5. 总结

