什么是核心特征,就是当我们谈论同一件事情的时候,那些不同的人们所关注的相同的部分。从业界的讨论来看,微服务通 常有如下几个显著特征:
微服务架构一词在过去几年里,得到了广泛的讨论和关注。微服务架构提倡通过对特定业务领域的分析与建模,将复杂的、 集中的、耦合度高的应用系统分解成小而专、耦合度低并且高度自治的一组服务。这些服务与服务之间相互协作、相互配合,从而为最终用户或其他系统提供相应的功能。微服务将每个独立的业务逻辑划分出来,运行在它们自己的进程中,然后通过分布式的网络互相通信与协作,从而为终端用户或其他调用者提供灵活的接口。
微服务架构模式(Microservice Architect Pattern)是近两年在软件架构模式领域里出现的一个新名词。虽然其诞生的时间不长,但其在各种演讲、文章、书籍上所出现的频率已经让很多人意识到它对软件领域所带来的影响。那到底什么是微服务,当我们谈论微服务时,它代表着一种什么样的含义?微服务适合应用在什么场景下,以及它有什么样的优缺点?微服务和SOA到底有没有区别?在接下来的几部分里,我将为大家揭开微服务的神秘面纱。
合同管理系统是后台支撑系统中重要的一部分。当前的合同系统是5年前使用.NET,基于SAGE CRM二次开发的产品。 一方面,系统架构过于陈旧,性能、可靠性无法满足现有的需求。另一方面,功能繁杂,结构混乱,定制的代码与SAGE CRM系统耦合度极高。
One of the most prominent and widely used languages in the world has Evolved.
Java ever gave us power on object oriented progrmming and we did the best we could with it.
Now there’s another new elegant way changing the java world-Lambda Expression, that will make our code more expressive, easier to write, less error prone, and easier to parallelize than has been the case with Java.
Let’s start from a simple example:
Suppose we’re asked to total the prices greater than $20, discounted by 10%. Let’s do that in the habitual Java way first.
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Now we can do better, a lot better. Our code can resemble the requirement specification. This will help reduce the gap between the business needs and the code that implements it, further reducing the chances of the requirements being misinterpreted.
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Instead of explicitly iterating through the prices list, we’re using a few special methods:
It’s a whole new world in Java. We can now program in an elegant and fluent functional style, with higher-order functions. This can lead to concise code that has fewer errors and is easier to understand, maintain, and parallelize.
Asgard is named for the home of the Norse god of thunder and lightning. As the words described, it is closely relevant to the management and control in cloud.
Netflix build a tool named Asgard, which is used to control and manage their AWS cloud. In 2012, Netflix announced that Asgard was open-sourced.
Then…… it is time to start the story.
Asgard is a web-based tool for managing cloud-based applications and infrastructure.
and Cluster
terminology, enable users understand their cloud objets clearly.Recently, our team is moving several legacy components running in Windows server from data-center to AWS. The transformation itself is not hard, but the eco-system like monitoring, alerting, troubleshooting is most important before getting started the transofrmation.
The article would talk about how to setup and config Splunk Universal Forwarder in Windows machine where the component is running.
Bying using SUF, Splunk central server can easily collect logs from different distributed machines, so that the OPS guy can query and analyze the logs from one portal rather than login on different distributed machines.
To simulate the process of production deployment of MongoDB, I used Vagrant to create a couples of VMs, and exprienced the journey of deployment mongo step by step as follow mentioned.
Before dived into the code, we can review the concepts related to Mongo Shard, it needs 3 components logically at least.
The config server processes are mongod instances that store the cluster’s metadata. You designate a mongod as a config server using the –configsvr option. Each config server stores a complete copy of the cluster’s metadata.
The query server are lightweight mongos instances and do not require data directories. You can run a mongos instance on a system that runs other cluster components, such as on an application server or a server running a mongod process. By default, a mongos instance runs on port 27017.
mkdir -p /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 /srv/mongodb/rs0-1 /srv/mongodb/rs0-2
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-1 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-2 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
mongo --port 27017